Fibers Symposium: OVER

Well, our three-day-jaunt of dressing up, eating well, and talking about Fibers is over. And I can't say I'm that broken up about it (except for the eating well). It was a long few days and I was left a little disappointed.

Official Symposium Site

The keynote speaker, Gerhardt Knodel was excellent--well spoken and clear and interesting. But the speakers on Saturday...the whole theme of the event was 'Materiality' and they seemed to be focusing a lot more on categorization and schematics than materiality. Also, there were many students and artists there at the event, and I really feel an opportunity was lost by not having a forum for the students to really discuss their work and their thoughts on materiality, and share with each other.

Right now work begins on my pulled-through embroidery skirt. My original idea was peacocks, but as I began to drape the fabric, it looked sort of like a strange jellyfish, so I went with that for my embroidery motif.

The embroidery drawing and the skirt waist-band pattern.

Navy blue velvet for the actual band.

And my very sherbet-y, awful painting in a resort motel sort of colors for the embroidery work.

5am Flowers

Mmm, so here's an early-morning, post Flower Show post. Our space is really beatiful, and the show is absolutely amazing. Definately go if you're in the Philadelphia area this week. Right down the aisle from our exhibit was one of jewelrty made completely out of plant parts-so cool.

I had some major issues getting my dress on the mannequin--it was so thick I couldn't re-attach the arms after I put it on. And I had to take it completely apart to put the tights and leggings on.

What's under the massive dress. The mannequins legs were rather longer than mine, so it looks different.

After much cursing, it finally goes on.

Betty setting up her 'Pigeonspiration"

Oh, and we just got our postcards for the gallery opening on Wednesday. Sorry for the the photobooth shots, I don't have a scanner here.