Off the Loom, Starting the Quilt

So the vest came on off the loom a few days ago. The edges were a total mess, but it held together until the end, and I hand-fixed it after it was off the loom.

In all it's ragged glory.

Cleaned up a bit, sides sewn together to make a vest shape. Still need to clean up the warp edges, get rid of that fringe, and probably do a braid trim and line it. Want to do some really beautiful, colorful pockets, but not sure what they'll look like yet.

Secure edge on the armhole. Will probably add braid here too.

I also cut up the cotton I post a entry or to ago and started getting it together for a double-four-patch quilt. After realizing how comfortable and light my ugly quilt is, I'd like to make a better quilt that both covers my whole bed, and isn't ugly.

All the colors and another white sheet, cut up into strips and squares.

Sewing the strips together.

Cutting the strips and arranging with the squares.

One color down, five to go!

Also I've been having a lot of fun working on some little projects for myself.

Did a quick little bind-up with string on this, before dipping it in thiox (something sort of like bleach that smells like farts) Now it's a fire polo.

Close up, it did some neat things to the pattern. I want to try this with some flannels and more complex tying patterns.

Also resized this shirt and gave it a fade-out effect by dip-dying it in the thiox. Very comfy linen shirt for me now.

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